AnnoBib -- “Response to Anthony Petrosky"

Flower, Linda “Response to Anthony Petrosky, Review of Linda Flower, Problem-Solving Strategies for Writing.” College Composition and Communication 35.1 (February 1983): 96-97. Print.
    Takes Petrosky (“Review”) to task for misreading her text book. Defends her work as “fostering the experience of discovery, of listening to readers, of reseeing one's own ideas” for a more self-conscious, problem-solving approach to writing (96). Recommits to heuristics in that writing is not a rule-governed act. Sees her cognitive approach as  a strategic approach to writing, one offers writers “power” that comes from an awareness of one's own thinking processes and a sense of options.
        Not necessarily useful for this paper, but interesting as she defends herself against the most vocal attack on her first textbook utilizing this cognitive approach.

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