AnnoBib -- “Heuristics and Composition”

Lauer, Janice. “Heuristics and Composition.” College Composition and Communication 21.5 (Dec 1970): 396-404. Print.
    A bibliography of 194 citations of psychology in the area of heuristics. “Freshman English will never reach the status of a respectable intellectual discipline unless both its theorizers and its practitioners break out of the ghetto” (396). Heuristics, are "rules of discovery and invention" (396) that guide the "experience of creativity." Those in rhetoric and composition working on theories of invention would, Lauer contends, find her collection of resources from psychology to be of tremendous  significance as they work through matters of heuristics and problem solving. Also calls for a metatheory of rhetoric that would specify what methods of discovery the field must used. Important, because this is one of the first calls to refer to theoretical fields other than English to reinstate rhetoric.
        Strongly criticized by Berthoff in “Problem of Problem Solving” in which she calls Lauer's approach to heuristics "politically dangerous" and "philosophically shallow.”  This paper and her response to Bertoff pre-date my decade interest, but include some of the first references to problem-solving as a means of invention and creation.

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