
Showing posts from April, 2010

Presentation in Narrative

Presentation last night in History of Narrative went well, so says professor and a few students. The topic was "cosmic narrative: ancient human migration." Started with a 20 minute video I purchased off the Web; chose this because 1) it would take up time, but more importantly 2) would best review the science of the theories and demonstrate how scientists "tell" their theory in narrative form. It was a good choice to do this -- the seminar participants were interested and I was able to use much of the narration to support my later claims. Followed with about 15-20 minutes of my own discussion interspersed with some slide presentations. With video, presentation, and follow-up discussion, my portion of the evening took approximately one-and-a-half hours, and I was able to hold my own and Dr. Wood's reaction was definitely positive. Unfortunately, he then commandeered the remaining time and let it devolve into his own very uninteresting lecture on the nature of m