AnnoBib -- “Response to Anne E. Berthoff, 'The Problem of Problem Solving'”

Lauer, Janice. “Response to Anne E. Berthoff, 'The Problem of Problem Solving.'” College Composition and Communication 23.2 (May 1972): 208-210. Print.
    Suggests that Berthoff is reductionist in equating Lauer's sense of heuristics to problem-solving. Defends her “Heuristics” paper by claiming that Berthhoff interpreted “heuristics” as “problem solving,” and then uses that term too narrowly, only from educational psychology. Re-emphasizes (clarifies) that problem solving within the realm of creativity seeks “reasonable answers and is open-ended” and is not bound by rules, but can use heuristics as “flexible guides to effective guessing” (209). Much of this article directly attacks Berthoff's assumptions and claims, Lauer herself arguing that Berthoff misrepresents the original bibliography, quotations from Jerome Bruner, and terminology both in Lauer's article and in the field of psychology itself.

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