AnnoBib -- Invention in Rhetoric and Composition

Lauer, Janice. Invention in Rhetoric and Composition. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press, 2004. Print.
Examines historical and contemporary theories and pedagogies of rhetorical invention, citing a wide array of positions on these issues in both primary rhetorical texts and secondary interpretations. Presents theoretical disagreements over the nature, purpose, and epistemology of invention and pedagogical debates. After a discussion of treatments of invention from the Sophists to the nineteenth century, introduces a range of early twentieth-century multidisciplinary theories. It then showcases inventional theories and pedagogies that have emerged in the field of Rhetoric and Composition over the last four decades, including the ensuing research, critiques, and implementations. As a reference guide, the text offers a glossary of terms, an annotated bibliography of selected texts, and an extensive bibliography.
    Useful in reviewing the debates, including her own with Berthoff, and Flower's response to epistemological critics of the 80s and 90s.

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