East Aldine Management District Focus Group 25 September Invitation

You are invited to the  East Aldine Management District Quarterly Civic Forum that will be taking place Thursday, September 25, 2014 from noon to1pm inside the district's office which is located at 5333 Aldine Mail Route Rd. Houston, TX 77039.  If you are going to attend, please let me know at your earliest convenience simply by replying to this email. We would also like to use this opportunity to invite you to NCI’s focus group, which will take place right after the luncheon. They will be doing this focus group to present the themes and program opportunities that have come out of the interviews that they have conducted around the East Aldine community. They will be doing this to get your feedback and perspective of the themes and program opportunities. If you can attend please RSVP at this linkhttps://aldinefocus.eventbrite.com  and if you know someone in the community that is interested in the new center and wants to be part of this group please extend this invitation. We are limiting this group to 25-30 so we can be able to keep the session to an hour and get feedback from all participants.Lucia M. Ayala GuerraEast Aldine DistrictHawes Hill Calderon LLP5333 Aldine Mail RouteHouston, TX 77039713.595.1232 - officelayala@hhcllp.com

Be strong, and courageous.
Dixi et salvavi animam meam
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