Chat with Comcast Customer Service

  • Problem: I cancelled my account with Comcast over a week ago. Why am I receiving new Xfinity hardware?
  • Alnor > Hello BRUCE_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Alnor. Please give me one moment to review your information.
  • BRUCE_ > My Issue: I cancelled my account with Comcast over a week ago. Why am I receiving new Xfinity hardware?
  • Alnor > I am here to take care of your billing concern, Bruce. I hope you are doing fine.
  • Alnor > How may I help you?
  • BRUCE_ > As the prompt states, I closed my account over a week ago. Now I'm receiving new Xfinity hardware. Why?
  • Alnor > May I ask what xfinity hardware are you referring to, please?
  • BRUCE_ > Don't know. Very large box arrived via UPS. I'm not going to open it.
  • BRUCE_ > It doesn't matter. All services were cancelled over a week ago. No services should be active. No billing should be active.
  • Alnor > Did you request for a box for returning the equipment you have?
  • BRUCE_ > No, I did not. The service rep I spoke to on phone last week said nothing about returning any equipment.
  • Alnor > No worry, I can double check if your account has been already closed.
  • Alnor > Thank you for the information you entered on the onset of the chat, Bruce. Rest assured that whatever information shared between us will definitely be kept in confidence. We do thank you for entrusting your information with us.
  • Alnor > May I put you on hold for two-three minutes while I go over your account?
  • Alnor > Just to let you know, there's a short survey at the end of this chat. It will only take 30 seconds of your time. This will serve as your feedback on how we serve you.
  • BRUCE_ > I'd rather you not, since this should have been handled a week ago.
  • BRUCE_ > You know, this is precisely why Comcast has such a lousy customer service reputation -- right hand doesn't know what left hand does.
  • BRUCE_ > Customers have to wait to get the simplest questions answered.
  • Alnor > Thnak you for waiting, Bruce.
  • BRUCE_ > The platitudes they teach you in training about "Rest assured that whatever information shared between us will definitely be kept in confidence" are seen through easily by the customer.
  • Alnor > I see here that the services are already disconnected and you will receive a refund check of $4.79 in 4-6 business weeks.
  • BRUCE_ > So why am I still receiving hardware?
  • Alnor > PLease disregard that. You may return it to the local office.
  • BRUCE_ > Do you realize that the local office is a 30 minute drive from me and has limited office hours? Some of us work. Again, Comcast loses.
  • BRUCE_ > Alnor, I realize this isn't YOU, but you're working for the wrong company. Comcast is a bad company. Learn that.
  • Alnor > No problem, Bruce. I can connect you over to our technical department so we can schedule someone to have it picked up.
  • BRUCE_ > Again -- this is the problem. Connecting to another office. No thanks. I'll put it on the street curb and see if anyone wants to grab it. I'm not paying for it.
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