Week 2

Overwhelmed with the reading for my three courses already. Monday's seminar on composition was itself dense, and the assigned reading of 200 pages of history of composition is very dense and of course boring. But boring shouldn't be an issue for professional studies, I know. It would be nice to have reading that isn't boring, but that's not going to be the case.

Wood's seminar on myth Tuesday was nearly completely uninteresting or useful. The student presenter rambled for nearly 30 minutes without adding anything useful to the understanding of narrative. Perhaps I'm the only one who has read about myth (thank FARMS and Nibley for that, I suppose), but the level of discussion I felt was undergraduate, not graduate caliber.

Rothman's seminar on newspapers and journalists from the 18th century was at least interesting, if not slow. I would prefer that he make his seminar more interactive with more assigned discussions, but he, like so many of the profs here, prefer to speak instead of engage.

As for my own classes, the LSC classes show poor attendance, like always there. The UH show better attendance, but the work so far is slow and not challenging. We approach the State of the Union today at UH, so I hope that this is something they, since most of my UH students are minority students, feel more important to approach.

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