First Day 2010 Teaching

Two early sections of ENGL 1301 at LSC. About 20 showed in each section, which means I'll have one show on Thursday who is behind and expects special attention. I noticed within an hour that I was losing my voice, having not used my teaching voice in nearly a month. Nothing changes from semester to semester, so I wonder how long I can handle this monotone of instruction. I can only hope the students bring something new each semester.

The online course began this morning too. Always nervous about these, as so many students drop out. I'm going to have to spend more time with audio and video podcasting, since that seems to help them out. But most students who take online courses -- most undergrads at least -- and certainly those who take ENGL 1301 or 1302 -- -- are unprepared for online courses; they think it will be like playing on Facebook and are surprised that reading is required and writing is extensive. Still, I feel guilty that so many fail or drop out.

Tomorrow first day of ENGL 1304 at UH. Will be more interesting, hope.

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