First Day

After getting home late last night because of a late Dynamo game, and after the power went off last night because of ... unknown, and after remembering this morning that I don't have enough athletic shoes because someone stole my left shoe, and after trudging through parent traffic surrounding two elementary schools -- parents who are either too protective to put their children on the bus on the first day or who insist on meeting the teacher on the first day and will never do so again, so they tie up traffic while taxpayers who wonder why school buses are not being used slowly wait for this orgy of emotionalism and unrealistic expectations of mediocre public schools to let them pass on their way to work -- today hasn't been so bad.

I've been wrestling with LSC network passwords for days now; seems like every server needs a different password, and that I'm changing passwords every hour. As of this moment I cannot access my LSC mail and this morning I could not access my rosters. Beverly Turner, though, the acting department chair, was quick to get me what I needed. Students in the first class were typical of LSC -- nice, but not sure what college is all about -- I can see it in their eyes. One student who didn't do well in my summer online course is taking the face to face course again. I have at least two Iraq/Afghanistan vets in the class. Vets tend to do better than others, so I'm hoping they can be an example to the other young men. I asked all men to stay after class while I encouraged them to stick with it even though it's going to get tough; I want to increase my retention rate, especially with men.

Quick drive from The Woodlands to UH. Parking was horrible, but I expected that. No PC access in the room at noon. Class seems similar to the typical LSC class, though more diverse. Plenty late students, though with a campus this large, to be expected. Some interaction towards the end. I didn't have the syllabus printed on time, but we can work with that.

Had to ask Kessler a question, and I know she was as busy as anyone today, but I was irked by her bossy attitude. "Walk with me," she commanded as I indicated I needed to ask her a question. Not a request, not a suggestion, just a command. I had thought that I had liked her when I was in high school. I don't now.

Sitting here in the brown section of the library, since I don't have access to a grad carrel or an office yet. Folklore tonight at 5:30, LSC Blackboard is down, and I need to nap. I figure that I'll have more time tomorrow at LSC between classes to get everything organized for both LSC and UH.

Metaphor: chicken with its head cut off.

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