Xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the Dominant Culture

A student has asked to collaborate with some research on the current dominant culture's enthusiastic and rewarded xenophobia. This is a topic we need to have on each college campus.

Draft search:

Overview of sociology and xenophobia:
Kirik, Vladimir Alexandrovich, et al. "Conceptual and Methodological Research of Xenophobia in Social Sciences." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6.4 (2015): 183.

Love, Erik. "Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and Explaining Individual Attitudes." Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 44.2 (2015): 213-215.

Good reference to Edward Said's theory of orientalism
Hassan, Ibrahim Haruna. "Orientalism and Islamism: A Comparative Study of Approaches to Islamic Studies." Arts Social Sci J 6.91 (2015): 2.
and original from Said:
Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Penguin, 1995. Print. [I'll be very disappointed if the LSC Library doesn't have this.]

America as a racist/xenophobic society
Powell, John A. Racing to Justice: Transforming Our Conceptions of Self and Other to Build an Inclusive Society. 2012.
Taylor, Max, P. M. Currie, and Donald Holbrook, eds. Extreme right wing political violence and terrorism. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2013.

Specific analysis of xenophobia or Islamophobia -- this will address both sides of your question
Abdelkader, Engy. "Savagery in the Subways: Anti-Muslim Ads, the First Amendment, and the Efficacy of Counterspeech." Asian Am. LJ 21 (2014): 43.
Ansari, Humayun. "The Multiculturalism Backlash and the Mainstreaming of Islamophobia Post-9/11." Irish Religious Conflict in Comparative Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014. 169-190.
Baldoz, Richard, and Shelley Sang-Hee Lee. "Decades of Xenophobia Shape US Response to Syrian Refugees." (2015).​

Beydoun, Khaled A. "Between Indigence, Islamophobia, and Erasure: Poor and Muslim in." Islamophobia, and Erasure: Poor and Muslim in" War on Terror" America (November 3, 2015) 104 (2015).

Chao, En-Chieh. "The-Truth-About-Islam. Com: Ordinary Theories of Racism and Cyber Islamophobia." Critical Sociology (2014): 0896920513508662.

Dofferhoff, M. Q. M. "Cutting Through Bigotry: Sitcoms Against America's Islamophobia." (2014).

Gurbuz, Mustafa. "Toward a Sociology of Global Islam: Revisiting Muslim Ethnicities in the West." Sociological Forum. Vol. 29. No. 3. 2014.

Kaya, Ayhan. "‘Islamophobism’as an Ideology in the West: Scapegoating Migrants of Muslim Origin." An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 281-294.
McGinty, Anna Mansson. "The ‘mainstream Muslim’opposing Islamophobia: self-representations of American Muslims." Environment and Planning A 44.12 (2012): 2957-2973.

Mohiuddin, Asif. "Islamophobia in America: The anatomy of intolerance. Edited by Carl W. Ernst." Intellectual Discourse 23.1 (2015).

Similar questions re: Latino Migrants
Aysa-Lastra, María. "Increasing Vulnerability and the Limits of Resilience Among Latin American Immigrants." Immigrant Vulnerability and Resilience. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 255-272.

*** I suggest that you include scholarly resources beyond the canon (just library databases). Ironically, the American librariesreinforce xenophobia and misunderstanding because they look at American/British perspectives, and not enough from Middle Eastern scholarship. You should strongly recommend libraries from Middle Eastern on-line resources. This represents a real multirhetorical discourse.
For example, I like http://muslimmatters.org, including
"Xenophobic Patriots: Will The True Patriots Please Stand Up?"
http://muslimmatters.org/2015/10/05/xenophobic-patriots-will-the-true-patriots-please-stand-up/ [Notice the attached references, therein]

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