Grace under Pressure

18 August 2010

Up at 6:30, walked Rox, came back and relaxed for a while, even though the Internet is out at the house. Finally got dressed to go cycling at 8:30 and rode 10 miles ( though the map says 12 miles and I know it's only 10). I suppose I don't really enjoy cycling, but that's because I don't do it enough. But it was an accomplishment, and next time I'll go to 15 miles. Perhaps Saturday go to Tomball, about 35 miles round-trip.

Was content at home, about 11 o'clock and gradually getting ready to go to LSC and grade papers, work on syllabus, etc, when I got a call from Dave Mazella (UH Center for Teaching Excellence), explaining what he expected at his presentation. I was prepared for one tomorrow, but not today. So I quickly dressed and drove too fast down I-45, rushed over the washboards of Cullen, fortunately found easy parking in my economy lot, then huffed across campus to Cullen. My sole purpose was to edit a PowerPoint presentation file from 19 slides to five, then to push the down cursor arrow during Dave's actual presentation. That's all -- use a keyboard for 15 minutes, with nothing more than five slides. It was embarrassing, but Dave seemed to be grateful. Later, he phoned me while I was still in the building, and we met briefly upstairs. He said I performed with "grace under pressure" and I didn't know what he meant, but he was just grateful that I would make the trip from Spring even with some communication mishaps.

Dave speaks easily in small groups and one-on-one and he's been eager to explain to me not only the workings and goals of the University and some initiatives and departments, but also the dark side of the politics that go on ... everywhere? His presentation skills before groups, perhaps needs some work. He in fact mentioned that I might present tomorrow. And I haven't thought anything of it.

But it's good to be appreciated, and I apparently am appreciated. Tamara Fish always seems to be glad to see me (though she's glad to see everyone), and said in a recent meeting that she doesn't understand how I "do it all" (teaching, CTE, etc. I guess). Zebroski has had good things to say, as have Rothman and Lindahl. After the big meeting with Zebroski last semester, I should perhaps start believing that perhaps I know what I'm doing, and how to get there.

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