CTE mtg 1 July 2010

  1. Memo of understanding -- English and Psych
  1. TA resposibilities
  2. Team assignments
  3. CTE at orientation or faculty meeting
  4. Rec'd - TA PSID
  5. Pre or full seminar with a teaching course
GES ideas
  1. TA needs
  2. professionalization
  3. resources
  4. networking
  5. ? how does one change the environment for the TA's?
    1. Start with a survey
Outside resources
  1. LSC video/ instructional support?
  2. Videos fr each module
    1. YouTube, other free video
    2. Creative Commons
  3. ? Philosophy 101 of TA (See Aymara)
Google Site for the Working Group
  1. Copies of essential emails > docs
  2. resources
  3. potential resources
Group Assignments
  1. Anadeli -- Office hours, assisting students
  2. Bruce -- error Correcting
  1. Don't look cheesy. Emphasize
    1. Pedagogical principles
    2. Professionalism
    3. Excellence
    4. Don't overload, but offer substance to return to
  2. PPT with audio an option
Syllabus ideas
  • Use a graphic of the syllabus, and of the course

Meeting with Linda Acitelli from Psych
No current pedagogy class
TA's grade only, though after 3rd year, some will teach a full course
Includes a mid-term questionnaire in her course (what like, dislike)
Look for article APS Observer, shortcut on grading

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