Questions from another LSC 1301 final exam

Part I – Claims. Please identify as specifically as possible the type of claim used in the argument.

1. Because of recent actions, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, is well on his way to becoming the defacto emperor of Central and South America.

2. Cheating on a college final exam is just like getting help from your mom when you didn't understand your 1st grade math homework. After all, grades are all that matter.

3. The Global Warming Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark will create policies that will save the world.

4. Global Warming is a cruel hoax designed to remake the world with a decidedly socialist agenda.

5. Iran and North Korea should be allowed to do whatever they please in regards to producing and testing nuclear weapons.

6. Pledging allegiance to Barak Obama is not like blind obedience or communism.

7. The recent revelations from the media that 1) drug manufacturers are preemptively raising the prices on prescription drugs before any health care plan is passed, and 2) that the job numbers from the February stimulus package aren't entirely accurate, will only serve to lessen the trust the public already has for this administration.

8. Congress's decision to attach LGBT hate crimes legislation to a defense spending bill was the wrong way to attempt to pass this legislation.

9. The media needs to give the Catholic Church a break and let them think about and discuss aliens as they choose to, regardless of whatever the history books may say.

10. Mr. Bennett’s 1301 class is the best class in the universe.

Part II - Patterns of Development. Read each question carefully. Some questions are related to answers to previous questions.

11. Write a 100-word description of your favorite food. (Be sure to use at least 3 of the 5 senses)

12. Use the description in question 11 to write a 100-word argument.

13. Identify and defend the pattern of development/rhetorical strategy used in the article: “'Underemployment' Lurks in New Mass. Jobless Numbers.”

14. Use the article in question 13 to write a 100 word process analysis on what to do if you are underemployed.

15. Identify and defend the pattern of development/rhetorical strategy used in the article: “Adult-themed 'Frosty' Videos Stir Outrage.”

16. Identify and defend the pattern of development/rhetorical strategy used in the article: “10 Tips to Avoid the Flu at Work.”

17. Write a 100 word comparison-contrast between at least 2 of the tips. Be sure your comparison/contrast has a point and is not simply comparing these items for the sake of comparison.

18.. Identify and defend the pattern of development/rhetorical strategy used in the article: “Christmas Story: Boise Boy Licks Pole, Gets Stuck.”

19. Use the article in question 18 to write a 100 word narration and description on how a person might get their tongue stuck to a pole.

20. In an essay of at least 250 words, make and defend a claim with sufficient evidence.

Princeton's continued desire to curb grade inflation has met with mixed results. The administration and faculty seem pleased about curbing grade inflation, but the students have varying reactions. Shouldn't the students of Princeton accept the fact that their grades are worth more now that they are being accurately measured? Shouldn't Princeton's policy continue to spread to other campuses across the nation?

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