Spring 2010 Schedule

1. History of Comp
2. Restoration & 18th Century Lit (Rothman)
3. History of Narrative (Wood)

History of Narrative is out there -- supposedly written for Writers, but the description was more open, so Kofford allowed me to get it. It's more a scheduling thing more than anything else. I'll work with Lone Star in the future and work for morning classes I guess. Honestly, I'm a little disappointed/concerned that there are in fact so few lit courses offered, compared to writing. Good grief -- there should be 3-4 Shakespeare seminars and others on Marlow, even Dryden (?), 20th century American novel, 20th century American drama, etc.

Kessler -- never enjoy spending time with her. We met, she doesn't have anything for me yet so will contact me later. I always feel she's talking down to me.

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